Friday, June 20, 2008

Grumblers Beware

There are these sunny people. They are super fun to be with. Carefree and happy about themselves and the world. Have a nice thing to say whenever you meet them and go around with a song in their heart and a dance in their step. When you talk to these people you end up feeling charged and joyful. And then there are the cloudy folks. They walk around like Atlas with the weight of the world on their shoulders. Every little thing right form brushing their teeth seems to be a chore and they can’t seem to find happiness in any activity that they do. They pass their time stuck in a time warp making excuses about why they have been wronged or given a raw deal by life making excuses for their incapability. They sigh more than they smile and they are full of “I couldn’t.. because” like the recent Boost commercial puts it “Losers just make excuses. Winners just go out and win”. These cloudy folk are typically ones who just live in the hope that some magical transformation will come into take them away from their life of drudgery. But I believe that even if such a thing were to happen, they will find a way to stay unhappy and grumble about how tough life is and what martyrs they are. I have a cute little song for these cloudy folk who grumble all the while

In country town or city
Some people can be found
Some people who are grumbling
At everything around

They grumble on Monday
Teusday Wednesday
Grumble on Thursday too
Grumble on Friday, Saturday Sunday
Grumble the whole week through

They grumble at their husbands
They grumble at their wives
They grumble at their children
They grumble all their lives.

That just about sums these people up. I learnt this song as a kid and warned myself never to become one of the grumblers. I sing this to my children whenever they whine about something. I only wish this song could be made into a national anthem so we can get everybody out of sulking sprees and get on with life spreading cheer and joy.

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