Sunday, April 01, 2007

An Innocent Primrose Morning

I open my eyes at dawn
A serene rosy dawn
A lovely silken dawn

Take a deep breath
Feel its beauty
How wonderful to be alive

Right next to me
A little primrose bud
Sways and stretches
Wriggles a little
Did I hear it coo?

I move closer to it
Keen to smell it
Feel its breath on me
Press my lips to its tiny forehead
Kissing it. Smiling.
Willing it to smile back

Open your eyes little primrose!
Light up my rosy morning!
Blossom ever so sweetly and lazily.
And love me as I love you!

With a gentle shudder
It opens a cute reluctant little eye.
Winks at me
Tentative, yet titillating
Oh come on, baby primrose!
Wake up my sunshine
And make my day.

One last lazy stretch
Then I behold its dancing eyes
And a guileless wondrous smile

My beautiful baby princess
My little primrose
Blossoms awake.
Joyous as ever
To greet
Another innocent morning!

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